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Cat Jokes 09

Q: What does a lion brush his mane with?

A: A catacomb!

Q: What noise does a cat make going down the highway?

A: Miaooooooooooooooooooow!

Q: What do you get if cross a cat with a canary?

A: Shredded tweet!

Q: Why do tomcats fight?

A: Because they like raising a stink!

Q: Why is a crazy marmalade cat like a biscuit?

A: They are both ginger nuts!

Q: What is white, sugary, has whiskers and floats on the sea?

A: A catameringue!

Q: On what should you mount a statue of your cat?

A: A caterpillar!

Q: What do you get if cross a Tomcat with a Pekingese?

A: A Peking Tom!